cement and concrete production ielts

  • IELTS Task 1 Process Cement and Concrete

    Source: Cambridge English IELTS Past Papers. Question– The diagrams below show the stages and equipment used in the cement 雅思写作小作文范文 雅思写作流程图flow chart 水 ,雅思写作小作文范文. The first diagram illustrates the process of cement manufacture, and the second diagram shows the IELTS Writing Task 1 Cement and concrete ,To produce concrete, four different materials are mixed together. At the first stage in the production of cement, limestone and

  • IELTS Report 18 Diagram Cement Making

    The first step in the process of making concrete is mixing cement, water, sand and gravel in the proportion of 15%, 10%, 25% and 50% respectively. This mixture is then put into a concrete mixer to produce concrete, which IELTS Writing Task 1 AC Process Cement Production,Version 1. The first diagram depicts the production of cement using various materials and machinery, while the second illustrates the production of concrete. Overall, while cement 雅思写作Task1小作文流程图范文:水泥制作与生产,雅思写作,Overall, limestone and clay pass through four stages before being bagged ready for use as cement which then accounts for 15% of the four materials used

  • Graph Writing # 102 Stages and equipment used in the

    The second diagram shows that cement can be used to produce concrete. This process is simpler than cement production; concrete is a mixture of 15% cement, 10 IELTS academic PROCESS OF CEMENT AND CONCRETE ,The first step of making concrete is combining different materials. Cement is mixed with water, sand and small stones in the proportions of 10%, 25% and 50% IELTS Writing Task 1 AC Process Cement Production,Version 1. The first diagram depicts the production of cement using various materials and machinery, while the second illustrates the production of concrete. Overall, while cement requires five major steps, concrete can be produced with two major processes. To make a batch of cement, a combination of twothirds limestone and onethird clay is

  • 雅思写作Task1小作文流程图范文:水泥制作与生产,雅思写作

    Overall, limestone and clay pass through four stages before being bagged ready for use as cement which then accounts for 15% of the four materials used to produce concrete. While the process of making cement uses a number of tools, the production of concrete requires only a concrete mixer.The Diagrams Below Show the Stages and Equipment ,The diagrams illustrate the process and equipment required to produce cement and then subsequently concrete. Overall, the cement production is a liner process which consist of four main steps: crushing and mixing the raw materials, heating the mixture to strengthen it, and finally grinding while concrete production involves two steps of Stages and Equipment Used in the CementMaking ,The process of cement production begins by crushing limestone and clay into powder and mixing them well in a mixer. Once the mixture is prepared, it is passed through a rotating heater and then a grinder to make cement. The final product is stored in cement bags. Concrete manufacturing requires four main ingredients and in particular


    The first step of making concrete is combining different materials. Cement is mixed with water, sand and small stones in the proportions of 10%, 25% and 50% respectively. This mixture is then put into a concrete mixer, where it becomes final concrete which can be used for building purposes. The diagrams illustrate the production of. cement.Stages and equipment used in the cementmaking process ,This process is simpler than cement production; concrete is a mixture of 15% cement, 10 % water, 25% sand and 50 % small stones which are named as “Gravel”. The four elements are poured in a huge mixer which rotates producing concrete. We can see that once the cement is produced by several steps and equipment, it can be used in other lessIELTS Simulation Test (Vol2) with Answers Writing Practice ,Overall, the production of cement consists of five steps. There are started from crushing to packing, whereas concrete manufactured include four main elements (small stones, sand, cement, and water). According to the first diagram, limestone and clay are crushed by a crusher machine to become powder.

  • Giải đề IELTS Writing Cambridge 8 Test 3 (full 2 tasks)

    Cement is one of the four raw materials that are used in the production of concrete, along with gravel, sand and water. To be exact, concrete consists of 50% gravel, 25% sand, 15% cement and 10% water. All four materials are blended together in a rotating machine called a concrete mixer. Written by ieltssimon. 3. Từ vựng. powder (nounParaphrasing Process: Cement & concrete production,Phần tổng quan. there are five stages in the production of cement = the production of concrete involves a five stage, linear process. begin with the input of raw materials = begin with the mixing of raw materials. end with bags of the finished product = culminate in the packaging of new cement.Cement Analysis IEA,The direct CO 2 intensity of cement production increased about 1.5% per year during . In contrast, 3% annual declines to 2030 are necessary to get on track with the Net Zero Emissions by 2050 Scenario. Most notable is the Global Cement and Concrete Association (GCCA) whose member companies are responsible for 40% of global

  • IELTS Writing Task 1 AC Process Cement Production

    Version 1. The first diagram depicts the production of cement using various materials and machinery, while the second illustrates the production of concrete. Overall, while cement requires five major steps, concrete can be produced with two major processes. To make a batch of cement, a combination of twothirds limestone and onethird clay isIELTS Process Exercise: Activity to improve your ,The diagrams explain the processes of producing cement and concrete. Overall, there are five stages for making the cement and one for the concrete. The cement must (1. to make) first, as it (2. to use) to make the 雅思A类小作文 Cement Used 流程图类 开源雅思,Write at least 150 words. The diagrams show how cement and concrete are produced. Overall, there are five stages in the production of cement, while the procedure for producing concrete from cement and a few other simple ingredients involves a single stage. Cement production begins when the initial raw materials, namely limestone and clay, are

  • Stages and Equipment Used in the CementMaking

    The process of cement production begins by crushing limestone and clay into powder and mixing them well in a mixer. Once the mixture is prepared, it is passed through a rotating heater and then a grinder to make cement. The final product is stored in cement bags. Concrete manufacturing requires four main ingredients and in particular stages and equipment used in the cementmaking process ,Sample answer 2:. The diagrams show the process and the equipment used to make cement and, how these are used to produce concrete for building purposes. The first step in cement production is to introduce limestone and clay. These materials pass through a crusher that produces a powder then, this powder goes into a mixture.Stages and equipment used in the cementmaking process ,This process is simpler than cement production; concrete is a mixture of 15% cement, 10 % water, 25% sand and 50 % small stones which are named as “Gravel”. The four elements are poured in a huge mixer which rotates producing concrete. We can see that once the cement is produced by several steps and equipment, it can be used in other less

  • IELTS academic Cement and Concrete Production

    Cement and Concrete Production. Cement production requires the addition of powdered Limestone and Clay into the mixer. The compound is then heated in a Rotating heater. Afterwards, it is grinded and cement is stored in bags, ready to be sold. Concrete Production requires addition of 15% cement to 10% water alongside 25% sand The diagrams below show the stages and equipment used ,The process illustrates the phases and apparatus to make cement and how cement is utilized in the production process of concrete for construction. Band: 4 Band 4. The diagrams below show the stages and equipment used in the cementmaking process, and how cement is used to produce concrete for building purposes. IELTS is IELTS TASK 1 (Diagrama) The Process of ,Finally, the cement is packed into bags. With regard to the concrete production, there is only one particular equipment mixed four different elements to create concrete at the same time. The concrete is

  • BEST IELTS Academic Writing Task 1, 29th August

    Afterwards, the mixture goes into a ginder where the cement comes out. At the end of the process, the cement is packed in bags. Referring to the concret production, the process begins with a combination of 15% cement, 10% water, 25% and sand 50% gravel. These four elements are introduced into a concrete mixer.,,